Monday, November 14, 2022

From Harlingen to Kerrville, Buckhorn RV resort for 2 weeks, Nov 16-30 2022

 Driving to Kerrville Wed, Nov 16 for a 2 week stay at Buckhorn RV park Back Nov 30. 320 miles.  Stopped at Comfort Loves for gas (42.5 gal / $206.45, $4.85/gal at pump. Saved $11.90 with EFS card

In  site 6113.  Cable connection is good.  35 channels.  2 weeks cost $700.00($50/day)

.cold last night, 36°  high Friday 50°.  High Saturday 39°.

Found radiator bottom hose leak.  Tightened clamp.  Added  half inch coolant in over flow tank.

Sunday Nov 27: first sunny day in 11 days.  Tom & I went and played 9 holes of golf.

I got better after 7 holes, but still bad.

Many days of rain dropped 2 inches of rain in my drivers side floorboard, I think thru the cowling just in front of windshield.

Parks cable has been bad for two nights.  Low end channels get no signal. Down to 23 channels.  S/B 36 channels

Low sunday night 37°.  Mid 70's Monday.

Took front cowling off jeep.  No obvious problem that would indicate a problem.  Put more weather stripping around drivers door.  Floor board almost dry.

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