Thursday, October 20, 2022

From Albuquerque to Amarillo, Oasis RV, Oct 21 for 1 week

 Drive from Albuquerque  to Amarillo, 285 miles East on I40.  Arrived at 4:00. Filled up at Loves on way in ($5.19/gal, 37.89 gal, $197.02 total.  Tail wind (20 knots) all the way.  In space #74 on Amarillo street.

Oasis weekly rate = $383.67

Cable connection to RV will not pickup all published channels.  I switched to Dish.  Cable connection worked in Albuquerque??

Front came thru Monday.  Rained all day, 1.38 inches.  Low tuesday morning was 34.

Visit with Richard & Louise Monday evening.

Supper with Gary & Amy Tuesday night at Big Texan.  Calf Fries, Ribs, Chicken Fried.

260 miles to Okla City, then 724 to Harlingen.

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