Monday, May 9, 2022

To Junction, UT in Junction RV park for the summer(thru Oct 18th) Camp Host

Drove from Flagstaff (300 miles) to Junction May 9th.  Arrived in Junction RV park about 4:00 pm local time.  Stopped at Flying J in Page to fill up.  Arrived with 3/4 tank.


May 27, 2022 memorial weekend
Two spaces shy of full.  One more due in this afternoon.

Monday, June 6: another beautiful day.  High 81.

I left Harlingen down 15 gallons off full.  One way diesel cost $878 + 20 gallons (arrived with 3/4 tank).  Diesel prices have since gone up in May/June.

June 8: Jan has a dental appt with Chisholm in Monroe today.
Tom's fridg will not cool down after plugged in to extension cord at his house.
June 14: Low came thru yesterday,  low last night 38.  75 today.  Tom/Bev are back on the road headed our way, after having AC issues.

Sunday, June 19:  power out @ 8:00 am.  Power Co is replacing a cable. ETA 4 hours.  Running generator.  Today is third day with high gusty winds.  Lots of tree branches down.  Power back up at 10:00 am.

Day trips to Bryce & Zion Nat Parks with Tom & Bev.

We just talked to Randy and agreed to come back next year as Camp Host.(2023)

Leaving Junction Oct. 19.  To J&H Rv in Flagstaff for 1st night,  Oct. 20 to American RV in Albuquerque for one night, then on to Amarillo Oasis RV Oct. 21-27, then on to Rockwell RV in Oklahoma city for 3 nights, Fri-Sun, Oct 28-30. Then South toward Harlingen.
Probably stop at I35 RV park in Waco.

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