Tuesday, September 19, 2017

In Bridgeport at Baylanding Thousand Trails Sept 19 - Oct 9th

Drove from Oklahoma City today south down I-35 to Bridgeport Baylanding Thousand Trails park space #151.  $3 per night for 50 amp.  No sewer.  Full hook up sites were NOT available.  Most were Annualled.  Not fair for those of us that are travelling and need 50 amp full hookups.

Tuesday evening we had a severe thunderstorm after dark.  Lots of lightning and rain.

Sunday day, Sept 24th
    Went soaring at Decatur Airport.
Two gliders ( my Russia AC 4, 1-26, & Cessna Ag wagon- tow plane )
I flew the 1-26 twice and the Russia once.

I made it to cloud base (5000 ft).  One hour flight.

 I view of Decatur below.

Tuesday, Sept 26:
   Moved from space #151 with no sewer, to #124 full hookups.  Parked next to Ken and Polly (RV Repairman).  Gentle rain last night.

Friday, Sept 29:
     It has rained all week.  Low 60''s at night to 80 during day.  Tom is at his deer lease all weekend.  Maybe John will tow.  Rain will kill lift.
Saturday, Sept 30:
   I was right, no lift today.  I was the only pilot that showed up (Jim also).  So decided not to fly today.  Try again Sunday.

Tonight we drove to south Fort Worth to meet Jim and Francis for supper:

Sunday, Oct 1st:
    Soaring was marginal today:  three flights totalling 1 hour 45 min.  Maximum altitude 2700 feet.  Main A/C trying to fail.  Breaker tripped once.  Secondary A/C is keeping up tonight.
Monday, Oct 2nd:
     Talked to Ken (remote rv repair).  He thinks it is the thermostat.  Went to NRS in Decatur and picked up a replacement ($115).  Old thermostat started working again.  Will have Ken replace sometime this week.
Ken replaced the thermostat thursday.  Problem is NOT fixed.  Fan motor sometimes does not turn on, then compressor motor heats up and trips the breaker.

Friday, Oct 6th:
    Ate supper at Catfish Charlies just north of Decatur.  Maybe the best catfish in TX.

 Harvest moon just left of ghost.

Saturday, Oct 7th:
   No lift today, so we did not get the tow plane out.  Ate at Yesterday's in Bridgeport tonight.  Chicken Fried Steak (Texas Style) covered in chili, beans, cheese, and jalapenoes.  I added a little ketchup.  This was my kind of chicken fried!!  Okra and chorizo beans on the side.

Sunday, Oct 8th
    One flight in 1-26.  One hour, 4000 max, clear sky, poor lift, light winds from SW.
Monday, Oct 9th:  our last night in Baylanding.

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