Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Ride Combres Toltec Train from Chama to Antonito

Monday July 27th, we drove over to Chama and took the train over to Antonito, then rode the bus back to Chama.  Left at 10:00 am, back in Chama at 6:00 pm.  Cost $180 for two adults coach. This is a great trip thru Combres pass ( elevation 10k + ).  Weather was partly cloudy, with one short rain.
Ate supper in Chama, then left for the 49 mile trip back to Pagosa Springs, just before dusk.  We counted 10 deer beside the road.  One 8 point buck stopped right in front of the car and dared us to go around.  I drove 45 mph in a 65, so I could stop quickly.
  Long day, but very nice trip.
  Today we are staying close to the RV park and doing laundry.  Travel day tomarrow to Durango, co.
I am trying to get a reservation at the alpen-Rose RV park for the next 7 nights.
Weather is perfect today, partly cloudy, low 70's.

PS:  ran into Jerry (High school classmate- just saw him at the reunion ) this morning in the park.  He was traveling thru to Durango, Teluride for a festival.

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